Windows 10 : Keyboard Shortcut Keys

Windows 10 Shortcut keys

Due to Support of many devices, the keyboard shortcut keys are continuing in the OS windows 10. 
The following shortcuts are available in windows 10

Common shortcuts

  • Ctrl + A: Select all in a window.
  • Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: Copy of the current selection.
  • Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste the copied Selection.
  • Ctrl + X: Cut the current Selection.
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo the Last action.
  • Ctrl + Y: Redo the Last action.
  • Alt + F4: Close the current window.
  • Alt + Tab: Switch between currently opened windows.
  • Shift + Delete: Delete the current selection permanently.

Start Menu

  • Windows key/Ctrl + Esc: Open the Start menu.
  • Windows key + [Number]: Open the application pinned in the task bar based on the position. For example, if you press windows key + 1  then the first position on the task bar application will open. If the app already open then the opened window will activate.
  • Windows key + Alt + [Number]: Same above but the Open the right click Menu of application pinned in the task bar based on the number position.
  • Windows key+D :Show/Hide Desktop
  • Windows key + T: Cycle through the pinned apps on the taskbar.

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