Windows 10 : Knowing the current user account is an Administrator?

How to change the account type of the current user account in Windows 10.

As like other windows versions Windows 10 also has two types of account types namely standard and Administrator.

Standard users can run the programs and limited operations

Administrative users can perform tasks to done the major changes in the system.

We need atleast 1 administrator to install softwares and make some system changes.

Follwoing is the steps for the finding of the account types of the existing users.

Step 1: Go to start menu by Clicking start button

Step 2: Right click the name of the user which is displayed in the left top of the start menu.

Step 3: Click change account settings, the settings window will display. The current user type will display there.

From there we can change the desired user type either administrator or standard user from this settings.

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